Experiencing The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Orlando

Harry Potter fans have been waiting to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Islands of Adventure since the news broke in 2007.  This explains why there was a 10-hour line on opening day in June 2010. Whether you counted down the days until the park opened or are a mere Muggle compared to Harry fanatics, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face.

There is a lot to take in at the front entrance of Hogsmeade Village… Hogwarts Express, busy street shops and of course, the illustrious, Hogwarts Castle. Though the street is full of storefront shops, a few have been closed to us Muggles. However, you can check out the windows showcasing the actual costumes worn in the movies by Harry Potter himself. 

Stop by Ollivanders for a wand fitting by one of the Wandkeepers. Satisfy your sweet tooth by stopping in Honeydukes, a candy shop featuring the famous Chocolate Frogs with the collectible cards of the most famed wizards and witches, along with Fizzing Whizzbees, Exploding Bonbons and Acid Pops.  Getting hungry? Make a stop at The Three Broomsticks Inn for a meal that would please even the choosiest wizard. Take a seat at The Hog’s Head Pub to taste the Butterbeer and Pumpkin Juice. The Butterbeerm, one of Harry’s favorite drinks, tastes something like a mix of Coke and Cream Soda and the Pumpkin Juice is quite delicious!  Once your sugar buzz kicks in, make your way over the rides.

Two of the rides, the Flight of the Hippogriff and Dragon Challenge, were already at the park, but Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride should be on the top of anyone’s list going to visit Islands of Adventure! Even though this ride has the noticeably longest wait in the park starting on the street of Hogsmeade winding up through the Hogwarts Castle, it is a definite must-see!  Waiting in line is part of the fun as you make your way through the dungeon hallways of Hogwarts.

Walk up the stairs to see the walls full of the talking portraits having entertaining conversations with each other. Listen to the message from Harry Potter himself when he makes an appearance to warn you of the danger that lies ahead before hopping on your broomstick. The ride is the first-ever combination of a robotic ride system technology made with innovative, immersive filmmaking. All of this magical technology means it really feels like you are playing in the Quidditch game and flying around with Harry! Even if you know nothing about Harry Potter, this ride will not disappoint!


Visit UniversalOrlando.com for more information!

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